• Healthcare Management – Certificate Course
100% Online Short Course
Develop Effective Leadership Skills    –   Build Robust Business Processes    –   Manage Change & Innovation 

Course Rational

In the clinical training of physicians, pharmacists, nurses and other healthcare providers there is little or no exposure to the  management skills needed for effective leadership and management of healthcare organizations. Yet successful healthcare professionals ultimately rise into management and leadership  positions where they realize  that they lack the management skill set for effective leadership and management of their healthcare organizations and  systems. 

Excellent Healthcare runs on the foundation of sound management principles and practices. This course provides you with strong healthcare management skills to make effective executive decisions that produce the desired results for your organization.

It provides the knowledge, skills, templates and network for current and aspiring leaders and managers of healthcare organizations to systematically build and grow enterprises that provide best in class services which are transformative, sustainable and profitable.

Course Objectives

You will be equipped to make Executive Decisions that are SMART – Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Timely.  

Upon successful completion of this course, you will be able to: 

  • provide leadership for your team to produce effective, efficient and innovative  results in your healthcare organization;   
  • develop and sustain best in class business processes to advance the mission of your healthcare organization and 
  • manage change and innovative solutions for your healthcare organization to reposition and thrive. 

Benefits For You

  • Develop Robust Management for your growing healthcare organization
  • Startup Your Healthcare Organization on strong foundations
  • Advance Your Career by transitioning to management and leadership roles 
  • Secure A Good Job In Healthcare with a skill set that makes your resume stand out 

Convenient Online Learning

  • Study at your own convenience from any location
  • Join the class with your smart phone, tablet or PC
  • Study at your own pace
  • No expense for travelling and lodging

A Global Network

  • Facilitators with rich and diverse global experience
  • Participants with unique  and different perspectives
  • Collaboration with resource people to solve unique problems

Course Modules

  1. Strategic Planning and Leadership In Healthcare
  2. How To Create Value For Consumers Of Healthcare
  3. Core Business Processes In Healthcare
  4. Imperatives Of Healthcare Economics
  5. Effective Team Leadership
  6. Healthcare Project Finance
  7. Healthcare Project Management
  8. Data Analytics For Healthcare Systems

Course Director

Obi Okoye   Has trained post graduate healthcare professionals in Healthcare Finance and Management as a faculty member of Strayer University.  He leads a team that develops and deploys turnkey modular clinics for remote locations, emergency situations and underserved communities. The modular clinics are equipped to function off the grid and have capacity for telemedicine. The proprietary medical records system developed for the clinics is cloud based and enables collaboration between onsite providers and remote healthcare professionals across the globe. 

Prior to joining Strayer, he worked with the investment banking arm of the World Bank Group, where he had global exposure to direct investment and project development in various sectors and regions. He coordinates the operations of a non profit organization
that provides free joint replacement surgeries and maternal care to the underserved.  

Currently he is on the faculty of Harrisburg University of Science and Technology. As the director for this certificate course, he coordinates the faculty and team to design and deliver world class training and development for excellent Healthcare Management skills.